The Importance of Words.

by March 23, 2015 0 comments

An ulama says, today is not really an age where the muslims properly understand their religion. Then, from this saying, we should realize that the muslims must understand their own religion the way it should be understood. How to understand it in the proper way? Of course, we must refer and learn from the people that understand it properly.From who? From a muslim scholar of course.

First, to learn,that is to understand, to have knowledge about the subject of our own religion, we must ask the most important question.

The question is, "What is knowledge?". I think, and i honestly think and truly believe with certainty that the definition of knowledge made by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas shows clearly what knowledge is.

Knowledge means the arrival of soul at the meaning and the arrival of meaning at the soul. Thats why, "meaning" is very important. How do we deliver meaning? By using word? Meaning is represented by words. And so, this is clear that word are not just empty,they contain meanings. And the meaning of certain keywords, if being misunderstood, will leads to misunderstanding. That is also why, for example, muslim scholar with deep understanding about this will not allow the words of Allah being used with wrong meanings!

And by saying this, as tips to read great books, magnum opus written by great scholars of the past and present, we must read and look their writings carefully on how they arrange words, and use certain words and certain terms to project certain concept. Great scholars have the ability to arrange words in a meaningful pattern.

Because they truly know that it is very important to use the right word for the right meaning. And they will first,define the words that they are using, in their writings, and their speech, lectures, when the needs arise, especially when certain words is being understood in wrong manner. And to go deeper, a great scholar even define the meaning of 'meaning'. You know the scholar that i'm referring to when you read and truly try your best in knowing about this.

All knowledge comes from Allah. Because all knowledge comes from Him,lets pray so thath Allah s.w.t will ease us in our quest in seeking knowledge. May the knowledge that we gains, benefits us in this life and hereafter!

Written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Fellow Researcher,
Strategic Department,
School of Mass.
23 Mac 2015.

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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