Proper Understanding

by March 29, 2015 0 comments
The main problem that the muslim masses are having is the problem of knowledge and understanding. The muslims did not understand the situation clearly and the responses that are given by them regarding certain situation can clearly shows that there are error in their mind.

First,we must admit,know and understand with certainty that all knowledge come from God. Even understanding also come from Him. And we must be clear that, when the muslims mention God, we mean Allah s.w.t.

Pray to Allah s.w.t so that He may increase knowledge in all of us and grants us great understanding so that we may see things clearly. Nowadays, there are many cases, that seems to me, it surely looks like that appearance and reality are opposite to each other.

There are many event that happens throughout the world as we speak, that we didn't understand, why it happens in the first place.

This is a time where we truly needs knowledge to see and understand, and be close to those that have proper understanding. Mistakes can lead us astray.

And, it is very important for us to deny and reject the idea that we are all equal. We truly, are not equal. Our differences is taqwa. And this taqwa is firmly grounded upon knowledge. Knowledge brings certainty. It is ridiculous to say that no amount of knowledge can bring us to certainty.

It is time for us to be honest. And be critical to find people that have true knowledge, and learn from them. Learning from true master will take a very long time. There are no instant knowledge and short cut in learning from these masters. The only advice that i can give, is, be very patient. It may take quite some time before understanding comes to you. Remember the story of Khidir a.s and Prophet Moses a.s. Be patient.

While learning, we must show the appropriate attitude as students. Be humble. Even to ask questions, there are ways to ask questions properly.Always pray to Allah s.w.t, so that He may ease us in our quest for knowledge. While talking, use proper language, and use proper words to address our teacher.

Finally, when we understand, teach it to others that prepare to receive it.

written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Research Fellow
Strategic Department,
Project X(temporary name).

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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