Know Your Own Limits

by March 25, 2015 0 comments
Freedom. When people do something and says that it is their freedom, we must see and inspect properly if what is being done by certain people is truly their freedom or not.

Freedom does not gives you the licence to do anything that you like. Even freedom have its own limit. When people do this or that, some may use the word freedom to remove certain limits placed upon something. They dont want to talk about limits. They use the words limits, when things that have been done by others doesn't suit their taste.

To speak about freedom and limit, things must be bound on true knowledge. To know whether something have cross the limit, we must know what is the limit, hence we need something called definitions.

Words needs to be defined, and must be defined properly.

When important words have been defined rightly, then we will know if things done and said, and words used, are out of that definition or not, then we will know that if the things done and spoken, are crossing the limit.

Today, there are slogans which rings all around the world such as, "there are no limit, only obstacles.". This is truly wrong. There are such things as limits. And actually, the great obtacles exists when people do things without knowing the limit. Not knowing the limit of the things that we are doing means we are lacking in knowledge and understanding about things that we are doing. Simply said, an ignorance.

Thats why, we need to know the definition of freedom. And this definition must be based on the worldview of islam. What is the concept of freedom in islam?

There are things that you are free to do, and there are things which is forbidden for you to do. This means, there are rules. The rules were made so that people does not do things as they like. And the rules were made to protect the rights of the peoples. To protect the rights of the poeple to do the the rights things in the right way.

In the same meaning ,rules functions to protect the freedom of the people to do things that are not forbidden.

Can you say that i want the freedom to do forbidden things in the name of freedom? Of course not. This means you does not even know what freedom means. You are mainly using freedom as a slogan for you to do things that you want. Changing things from illegal to become legal so that you may have the freedom to do it. If the rules are preventing you from doing things, even if that things is illegal, that you change the rule. This kind of people truly are bringing chaos to the society and the world as a whole.

Who determines what is forbidden and what permitted? If only humans determine it, it is up to humans to make things forbiddden or permitted, and things changes as people changes and as the ideas of freedom develop in the way which suits the way of the people that want things to go their way. If the path lead you to destruction, you want the freedom to go down that path. This sentences i believe summarize it quite well.

If we deny the role of God in determining the rules of what is forbidden or not, what is right or wrong, then it is up to humans to totally decide, what is right or wrong based on the acceptance of the society.
If you can make majority of the society accepts it, then it becomes the right thing. Even forbidden things can be no longer forbidden when the society choose not to forbids it. And the permitted things can no longer be permitted when the society choose not to give permission to such things.
In this way, the society truly have become God. Society have taken the role of god, and becoming god themselves.

In our religion of islam. There are things forbidden by our God, Allah s.w.t. And there are things permits by Him. And the freedom to do permitted things must be protected and permitted. And what is forbidden must be forbids. This is what rights is all about. It is all about knowing what is our rights and what is not our rights. This lead us to knowing our own limits.
Do things within our own limits. To know our limits, we need knowledge. And when speaking about knowledge, we will eventually speak about a very important things, that is education. The education system needs to have the ability to educate people to know and understand things like this.

And going a bit deeper, even the education needs to be defined, so that we will know what is education and does not break the limit when educating. When things are done within the limits, then it can be say that things are in the right and proper places.

The condition of things that are in the right and proper places, is called justice.

written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Research Fellow
Strategic Department,
School of Mass.

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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