by January 13, 2017 0 comments
-->Help people quickly but thoroughly scan for values ,
prioritize which values are the most important to pursue,
and then ensure that top values are addressed 
and maximized every step of the way.

It's like putting on a pair of glasses with six lenses, one for each of six important value categories.

:::Gold Medal:::
Gold is precious, and so are people. The gold medal asks, what matters to the people? Human values include pride, achievement, a sense of belonging, hope, trust, and growth.

:::Silver Medal:::
Silver impacts the organization. What matters to the organization? What are our goals as a company and how will a prospective action help us or hinder us in pursuit of these goals?

:::Steel Medal:::
Steel must be as strong as possible. The steel medal asks what are the implications for quality? How will the decision at hand impact the quality of what we do?

:::Glass Medal:::
Glass can take the shape of many functional, often beautiful and colorful objects. The glass medal covers change, innovation, simplicity and creativity.

:::Wood Medal:::
Wood spotlights ecology values in the broadest sense. Is there a positive or negative impact to the environment if we take this road?

:::Brass Medal:::
Brass looks like gold but is not. Brass medal values examine appearances and perception. How will this action be interpreted?

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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