Balloon vs. Soap Bubble

by August 19, 2015 0 comments
We can use balloon as an example of the Big Bang theory in terms of expansion but the analogy is not applicable to explain the mechanism of Big Bang. The example of formation soap bubbles may provide a better analogy. Have you ever make bubbles from soap when you are kids? When two bubbles come in contact, it creates another bubble and when you separate one bubble, it becomes two bubbles. Theoretically, it is either one of these two mechanisms that makes our universe come into existence. That is what big bang is all about; mechanism and expansion. If a balloon or soap bubble can expand by blowing air into it, then what makes the universe expands? Will it be the same air that we blow into the balloon? Well, it is not exactly air but what scientist term as dark energy. 

Reviewed and Corrected by :
Prof.Mohd Isa Mohd Yusof,
Senior Lecturer,
Centre of Foundation Studies,
Aras 5,Bangunan FSK 1,5
Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Cawangan Selangor,
Kampus Puncak Alam,
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam,

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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