Manners of a Scholar

by June 06, 2013 0 comments
When i'm sitting in my room thinking,i remember someone said,not too long ago,said that, just saying is not enough.Or a certain person just dismiss what others say by saying,"sometimes it can just be said".

Did the person who says that really understand what others are saying?Did he/she just say that because he refuse to accept the suggestion?Or perhaps because he doesn't even understand what others are saying?

By saying "sometimes it can just be said",they don't literally mean "just sometimes".What they actually want to say is "what you are saying is ridiculous".

This attitude, are not fit as a scholar, that are in the path of seeking knowledge to find the truth.

As a scholar,when you say things like this,you should give your explanation,why you said that,or better,provide with a better solution.

That's the way,of how a scholar should gives respond.Giving response in a learned manner.


Mohd Arif Syafiq


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