Dream,Dreams, Dreaming
My dream is to become this and that.After i do this,i will do that.When asked,what have you do up to this point? They say,nothing.Just sleeping and waking up and,well dreaming.
Will is not enough.You must do.
Of course,there are branches of knowledge that requires you think critically,giving possible solution to certain problems and, of course to think,also needs knowledge about the things that they want to think.These intellectuals will need to read books related,and the progress of that particular subject that he wants to ponder,subject that he wants to contemplate.
Simply dreaming that you want to be this and that without making and effort is a waste of your time.A waste of your life span.Time is precious,because thats what our life is made of.It keeps running out as we speak.
As muslims,to get what we want,we must do things the proper way,the right way.To know the right way,ask advices from the scholars of islam.
We should be humble,to learn from those who have the knowledge that we need,to achieve what we want in life.
Always pray to Allah,so that He may open up path,that will ease us in acquiring what we want,and fulfilling our desire.
And pray to Allah,so that He may show us whether what we are doing in the process,what we want to get,is right or wrong,so we may realize it and ask for forgiveness from Him for our mistakes,and make proper correction.
Allah Knows Best!
Mohd Arif Syafiq
DeveloperCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.