by April 14, 2017 0 comments
Mankind,does have the desire to become immortal. They have the desire to live forever,forever young,forever healthy and forever beautiful.
If human were asked, do you want to feel how dying is like?The answer is no.Nobody wants to die.
The reality is,nobody will live forever.Every living being shall taste death.
It will happen to all of us.You and me. That is why the knowledge concerning what happens after we die is of utmost importance.
And this knowledge, science can't and will never be able to give the answer.Only from the true revelation shall you get it.
Perhaps as science can't give the answer regarding death and what happens to us after we die, then they try their best to prevent humans from meeting their end.
They want to be immortal.That is,perhaps what science can and possibly offer,from what they think of what they know.
Having immortal physical bodies,or perhaps uploading consciousness into virtual reality or modify human physical body into robots is perhaps few of the ways that they are working on so that one day, dead is no longer a concern in their heart.
Such is the fate of those who denies revelation.Denies the ultimate reality, and denies the life after death. They are cursed, forever running from death that they are so afraid of.
Brace it.Accept the truth.Accept the revelation.And you shall find true happiness.



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