by May 31, 2017 0 comments
There are these people that put down hadith as all weak,every hadith al-Ghazali mentioned is considered weak as if to tell people that al-Ghazali does not know anything and that the whole ihya ulum al-din is bad.
Actually,why you must apply these sort of criticism?
The way i see it is that those hadith are weak as far as law or jurisprudence is concerned but as far as other things like tawhid or akhlak are concerned, these are not weak.
They have nothing to do with halal or haram.
For those who understand it,it does not contradict and how do you know that, it is because of the isnad but then you must take the mutawatir.
Like what al-Nasafi said, these hadith were reported by all the saints, now are you saying they are all liars?
That is what mutawatir means, isn't it? Mutawatir is what has been handed down from generation to generation by people of whom our reason cannot admit thay they are liars.
So, a lot of these criticism are unnecessary.
Most the hadith that al-Ghazali quoted are not for legal use,they deal more with akhlak and other philosophical matters and therefore the fuqaha have no right to be writing things like that because that is trying to tell people as if they do not know anything.



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