The Word 'i' Stands for Soul

by February 27, 2016 0 comments

“I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was human,

Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die human,

To soar with angels blessed above.
And when I sacrifice my angel soul
I shall become what no mind ever conceived.

As a human, I will die once more,
Reborn, I will with the angels soar.
And when I let my angel body go,
I shall be more than mortal mind can know.”


note : those who attend Saturday Night Lecture on 20.2.2016 will be able to explain this clearly.

The word 'I' refer to the soul. The soul have the mineral,plant, and animal qualities. That's why when the merging of the soul and body occurs, and as the result we become human, then as humans, we have these qualities. We can grow like plants, and reach an old age,wither and dies. And we can move like animals. The minerals, is the composition of our physical bodies.

Man is both soul and body. It's like sponge and water. The water absorb sponge. It somehow become one. And both the properties of water and sponge remain. And the water can come out, in a sense, detachable.

But as the merging of body and soul to become human occurs, we forgets. We forget the day of the covenant. (surah 7 : verse 172).

That's why we need to seek knowledge. So we might know our self and our ultimate destiny. That is the purpose of seeking knowledge, and makes our effort in seeking and gaining knowledge and understanding, meaningful.

May Allah increase in us, our knowledge and understanding!

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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