Adab First, then Knowledge

by February 17, 2016 0 comments
As a teacher who teaches authentic knowledge, they give priority to adab first. Adab first, then knowledge. Some people have knowledge,but have no Adab. Adab is also knowledge,but you can't get this Adab by just going into universities, especially for example ,when universties itself manifests the condition that is called the loss of adab.

The source of adab is from the teachings of the prophets. And that's the main reason the prophet was sent down. For us to know adab. Adab in simple sense means right action. As a human being created by Him, what is the right action to do? Of course,simply put, lives according to the guidance the He gives us. Live and fulfill to reason that we are created. Lives according to our fitrah.

Adab means education. If we just teaches knowledge to our student, its not qualifies to be called as a process of education. Its only can be called teaching. Still not qualified to call it as educating.

For a process of teaching to be adequately called education, must have adab. Must teaches the right way to use the knowledge and how that knowledge benefits the learner in knowing himself/herself as a person and knowing things related to that person and as the results, bringing the learner closer to the Creator, as that knowledge leads the learner to the Truth.

When the learner knows him/herself, he will surely know his Lord. And by knowing his/her place, recognize and properly acknowledge his/her place, he will willingly submits to to his/her God, and follows His command willingly, leading him in the process to become a good person. A person of adab. Insan Adabi.

May Allah increace knowledge and understanding in all of us!

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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