Multi Universe in Existence Part.6

by April 06, 2015 0 comments

In the past writing, i mention a very important terms,words,key words to be exact. That is, String Theory. Let me be frank, that is most of my writings, are based on, of course,the genius,co founder of the String Theory, Professor Michio Kaku.

An all of these explanations are based on String Theory.Let's begin. In the beginning,there is nothing.What nothing means? It means nothing. And in this principle,even nothing is unstable. Well, what happens when this nothing that we speak of become unstable? When nothing becomes unstable,it says that bubbles forms. In the past writing, did you remember that bubbles is being used as an example? Soap bubbles that you might play in the past when you're still kids. And reminding you again, it is said that big bang happens,either the bubbles come into contact,creating another bubble,or the bubbles divide,forming two bubble. And one of the bubble is our universe.

Did you ever think,when we says bubbles, then where do these soap bubbles comes from? It comes from nothing. When nothing becomes unstable,bubbles form. That's how it is,of course theoretically.

So,who creates nothing? And where do nothing come from? And what is this nothing? Well,to mention God, He creates something out of nothing. And base on this theory,which will be explained why,in later writing, actually,something or everything is created from nothing,is not opposed to physics law,at all.

Remember Einstein? He died before he could finish his grand work.His magnum opus. This grand work is Theory of Everything. Let's set aside this first for later explanation some other time. When mention Einstein it is very important to mention 2 theory. The 2 is The Quantum Theory(electron,proton,neutron) and The Theory of Relativity(big bang,black hole,curve space-time),which is Einstein's Theory. To cut things short, these two theories do not coordinates each other,because are based on different physical principle. It can be said that,they are not compatible. And combining these two incompatible things, together, you get Standard Model. So, Prof.Michio Kaku says its like you take two different animals and glue them together. That glue-them-together animals is Standard Model. So, physicists believe with certain that this theory which is also called quantum theory is not  the final theory.

Then.....after that..comes String Theory. Which we speaks and talks in bits and pieces in previous writings.

Lets use table. Table can be made from various things.Woods,metals or plastics for example.Well,all of these materials are made up of Atoms.  What makes up Atoms?  Electrons going around the nucleus.

What's inside nucleus? Protons and neutrons.

What's inside Protons and Neutrons? Quarks.

What's inside Quarks? Little loops.  Little loops that vibrating at a certain mode. Have you ever play  a traditional game called 'lompat tali'?. You make the lompat tali with rubber bands right? And every one little loops can be said similar to every one rubber bands. Just that, these little loops doesn't combine and become lompat tali. hahah :p

How do we know what inside nucleus? An then the inside of the inside? We smash them. Using what. LHC or Large Hadron Collider. Thanks to Prof.Michio Kaku that Large Hadron Collider is built by the way.

And what do we get if we smash these little loops together? It will turn into Electrons. If we smash them again,it will turn into light.(well,i hope i understand it right).

Let's go back to Einstein unfinished work. Einstein died before he could finishes his work into completint the Theory of Everything. What's so cool about that? Well, this theory is about understanding the mind of God. 

Going back to String Theory, it is believed by Prof.Michio Kaku that String theory is indeed the theory of everything which Einstein tries to figure out.In other words,Prof.Michio can be said, if this String Theory is correct, he will be the person that finishes the unfinished works of Einstein.

Back to the major question.What is the mind of God according to String Theory? The mind of God is music,resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace.

How to test the theory? Create the big bang. It is still imspossible up to this moment as far as i know. Who knows if they are in the process of creating it.

There is String Field Theory equation which Prof.Michio Kaku and his colleage(Keiji Kikawa) made, a subset of String Theory. It is stil unsolved. Said Prof.Michio Kaku, at the present time,on earth,no one is smart enough to solve the theory.And still,nobody on earth can solve that equation.Care to try? 

If,you manage to solve the equation.And you compare it with the sub-atomic particle in nature. If it fits, then, congrats,you solved it. Game over.The theory is finished.(borrowing a lot of words from Prof.Michio Kaku).

I upload the equation. We'll continue later.

Written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq  
Sci-Fi Department,
Class of X.
7 April 2015.

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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