Multi Universe in Existence Part.5

by April 04, 2015 0 comments

This time, we'll going into Higgs Boson. What is Higgs Boson? Higgs Boson, is believed,to be the missing piece,in the creation of the universe. And by creation of our universe, i'm referring to the Big Bang. Higgs Boson particle, is the fuse, that bang the Big Bang.Higgs Boson, is believed to be the particle that sets the universe into motion. It is also said to be a 'force field' that holds the universe together. And, lends mass to the matter.

So,what's there before the big bang? What things exists before the big bang? Is big bang also happens somewhere and create other universe other than us? Let's go back again to the soap bubble. The world before big bang,that is the process that initiate the creation of our universe. The world at that time is like soap bubble.Many bubbles. And each bubbles is a universe. And theoretically, a universe is created either by two bubble come into contact and combine,or one bubble divide and produce another bubbles. It's like that.

Have you ever play guitar? You know that the strings have different vibration, and some have higher notes,right? Then, continuing a bit what we talk in previous article, that says most of the universe is dark,and consists of dark matter and dark particle. So, right now i have to mention String Theory. You must understand it in terms of using strings as an analogy. Guitar have strings. And the notes of the guitar is different.So, there are lower notes and higher notes.

Everything we see around us is said to be the lowest notes of the strings. And dark matter is said to be the higher vibration of the strings. From now on, in your mind,think about the guitar strings,and sound

All that we see around is is just 4% of the universe. 23% is dark matter,. 73% is dark energy.

Do you still remember the Standard Model? Go and google it.You can type "standard model physics". In short, Standard Model only represents 4% of the universe.

Dark matter,is believed to be higher vibration of the strings(or higher notes), made up 23% of the universe.Dark matter is probably sparticle.(it has the word S).

Dark energy which made up of 73% of the universe, is said to be the energy of nothing,energy of vacuum.Even cavvum have energy that pushes the galaxy apart,making it further and further away.Between two objects in the outer space, what is between them? You see nothing right? Yes, that nothing is actually the dark energy.The energy that pushes the galaxy apart.

If the galaxy is being pushing apart, what is it pushing into?It is pushed into Hyperspace. Hyperspace is a dimension beyond what you can see and touch.

The universe is expanding as we speak.The question is,until when?Will it expand forever?Or will it someday contracts? What is the fate of our galaxy?

Actually that answer can only be answered, when we know for sure what dark energy is. We still does'nt have enough information about dark energy. Until we know for sure what is dark energy,that question,will remains questions.
We'll continue later.

Written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Sci-Fi Department,
Class of X
4 April 2015

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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