Slice of Life

by May 27, 2014 0 comments

In our life,from time to time,some of us,or perhaps most of us,will stop and think.

"Is this how my life is?"            "why i'm here?"  

 "Happiness.Am i happy?Is my life can be called happy?"

"Am i doing the right thing?"    "where will i go?"

"Is this the right choice?"         "what is future?"

And many other inner thought, that i say can be called disturbing.Or allow me to say that,we are in a state of doubt.

We need something certain.Something that can give answers to these kind of questions.If our heart are in a state of doubt,we feel miserable.And the only way to be happy,is to remove doubt from our heart.

We need guidance,a guide that will guide us to the right destination.A guide that can tell us,"the path that i'm choosing,the path that i'm currently taking,is the right path".

Some are wealthy,some have great family,lovers,some may consider their life perfect.And yet,we know,in  hundred years,all of these will be gone.People die...

Some have difficult life.And throughout their life,live in suffering.And they all die, after some time..

There are happy time,there are sad time.There are great memories,there are bad memories..

And after we die,where do we go?

Answers,can only be found,in that book.The Holy Book,called Al-Quran. God himself,say that He himself will preserve this.Nobody will be able to corrupt this book.And this book is our guidebook.

There are permanent happiness.We can be happy if we know where will we go after we die,what will happen after we die.The existence of judgement day.The existence of heaven and earth.

This.A great future.We plan our life,and we try our best,living according to the book,and of course by also following the great example,shown to us by our beloved Prophet,Muhammad s.a.w.

Being busy in this life,is okay.It is not something opposed to religion.As long as everything we do,is permissible.We can choose how to live our life,according to this Quran, and sunnah of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w...He,our prophet,set great example.Applicable to all.

The being that creates us,Allah s.w.t,knows us more than we know ourselves.He knows what is good and bad for us.It is only right,if we submits ourselves to our creator,our sustainer,Allah s.w.t willingly.

And the feeling...Continuously try our best to nurture the feeling of love towards our God.If we love somebody,we,are willingly to do many things,to make the person that we love, happy.It's the same.When we love Allah s.w.t,we are willingly to do anything that He asks us to do,and refrain from doing things prohibited by Him.

To us,things can be done gradually.Systematically.Using good words,good advice,encourage each other...Support each other.Respect each other,respect all that should be respected.

Do justice.Justice means a condition, where things are in their proper places.Everything have their own places.Their right places.

To know these places,and how to put things in their proper places.We need knowledge.So,let's seek knowledge.

That's all for now.

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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