Multi Universe in Existence Part.8

by April 10, 2015 0 comments

It is a common knowledge that the universe is expanding as we speak. Some say it is slowing down, But as the research goes on, we eventually know that the universe, in fact, is expanding faster than it usually is,in the past. Then, the thing that causes its expanding, is of course, dark energy.

What we already know is, this dark energy influence the expansion of the universe. To our understanding, it makes the universe expands.

Actually, empty space is not nothing. And empty space can possess its own energy. And this energy is what we call Dark Energy.  If we add a bit, we will say, dark energy is a property of space. It is, a possibilities. There are so much, that we don't know about Dark Energy. You will definitely get a Nobel Prize if you can figure it out.

To clear some of the questions that will be definitely asked,that is,have you seen it(dark energy and dark matter)? The answer is, "No,we still cannot see it". Then how do we know they do exists?

Let's take one example.The velocity of the rotation of the spiral galaxies,depends on the amount of mass contained in them. Our own Milky Way, its outer parts, rotates much faster.  The rotation velocity is not consistent with the mass. Scientists are sure that it should 10 times more matter. So, where are the rest? We cannot see it. Something is missing. And this something is a big one.

And as time goes on, it become known to us,that all the matter in the universe only make up about 4%.The rest.....23% is dark matter and 73% is dark energy.

If our universe, which is a bubble,is expanding,and it is a fact that it is speeding up,then until when? Until we all freeze to death? Let's make things easy. The answer is, we don't know.

Can you create universe out of nothing? Let's see what Prof.Michio Kaku says :

1.If you calculate the total matter in the universe it is positive.

2.If you calculate the total energy of the universe it is negative, because of gravity.Gravity is negative.

3.So what happens when you add these two together? Zero.

4.So it takes no energy to create a universe

No energy.Nothing is needed to create a universe. Let's repeat again.When nothing is unstable, bubble forms. And when either the bubbles divide, or come into contact, as the result, the universe is formed. In String Theory, this is believed to be what the big bang is.

And, when we think that the empty space is nothing,we discover it has something. It is filled with dark energy. This dark energy is the energy of nothing. To understand the creation of the universe,we must understand dark energy. Understand what nothing really is.

It surely reminds me,in the past, when i ask a girl if she is in trouble,she said,"nothing". Well,it is not nothing.It is something. And, something big is going on,usually. Maybe it holds true for this nothing in the theory that we try to understand.

What else? Dark matter? Is dark matter, the matter of nothing too? Hmm...let's leave it at that, and continue.....later.

Written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq
Sci-Fi Department,
Class of X.
10 April 2015

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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