In my previous writing, i use balloon as an example. It is true in terms of expansion. It expands.(when you blow air).
But, to use balloon as an example for the occurence of the big bang,is wrong.
The correct example is soap bubble. Have you ever make bubble from soap when you're little? That's the bubble i'm referring to.
When two bubble come in contact,it creates another bubble. And when you separate one bubble,it becomes two bubble.
Theoretically,it's either one of these two sample is what makes our universe come into existence. (Referring to the production of the soap bubble).That's what big bang is all about.
If you ask, if big bang, bangs,then what makes it bang? The answer is dark energy.We'll talk about that next time.
Written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq.
Sci-fi Physics Department.
Project X(temporary)
1 April 2015.
Mohd Arif Syafiq.
Sci-fi Physics Department.
Project X(temporary)
1 April 2015.