Multi Universe in Existence Part.10

by April 20, 2015 0 comments
Have you heard the phrase that says,

"Time Is Like A River, You Cannot Touch The Same Water Twice Because The Flow That Has Passed,Will Never Pass Again."

It is true. Have you ever heard of Grandfather paradox? It is an example, where you enter a time machine,travel into the past,and kills you grandfather. If you manage to kill him,you grandfather,that means,as a consequences,you will never be born. If you were destined to be never be born,because your grandfather is killed,then how where you were born in the first place? This is what we call Grandfather paradox. Luckily,it is solved.

Let's pay attention to this sentence : "Time is like a river."  Time to answer that paradox.

Shall we begin?

Tommy go into his past and kill his grandfather. After killing his grandfather,he return to his current time. What actually happens to his time? 

The answer is nothing really happens.If at his current timeline, his grandfather is still alive,and he is still alive.His grandfather will be the same as before he go into the past and kills his grandfather.

So,what actually happens?

Actually when he go into the past and kills his grandfather,then at that time, shall we say that the river of time spreads into two.

One time is the current time that Tommy is living in. And the other is the alternate timeline. A timeline or a parallel world where you don't exists,starts to appear. That alternate timeline world appear the moment Tommy kills his grandfather.

In this way, no matter what you do when you are 'time travelling' ,nothing will happens to your timeline. And, a paradox will never occur to your timeline.

The conclusion is,if someone travel to the past and kills you, you will still alive. That person merely creates another alternate timeline that you were being killed. A world of another reality where you die. 

But that other world is also a reality, the past that you may change accidentally or intentionally will affect people living in that world. Killing someone in the other timeline or alternate world is still a crime. Maybe there will be an authority that ensure time travelers behaves the way they should behave. It might seems ridiculous but time travel is possible in Professor Albert Einstein equation.

 From what i know, initially Professor Stephen Hawking seems doesn't accept the idea of time traveling. But later, Professor Stephen Hawking changes his mind and accept that time travel is possible.

Time travel is not easy.If you travel with car,you need gasoline.In other words,energy. For you to time travel, massive energy is needed.Perhaps the energy of the stars.

We will talk about wormhole a little bit.The tunnel of the wormhole is not stable,and may close instantly. To stabilise the tunnel of the wormhole, you need something called negative energy. Negative energy will function, to prevent the tunnel from closing down,in other words,it's role is making the tunnel stable. (Negative energy will be explained later.)

The steps are,open the wormhole,insert negative energy to stabilise the tunnel.Then,begin your journey. I say it in a simplified sentences.But in fact,there's more to it than meets the eye.

When you travel through wormhole,you will be able to  two main destination. Some'where' and Some'when'. I shall end this writing by mentioning Professor Michio Kaku quotation. :

"The river of time may fork into rivers, in which case you have a parallel reality and so then you can become a time traveler and not have to worry about causing a time paradox."

Written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Sci-Fi Department,
Class of X.
20 April 2015.

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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