Creating a big bang means,creating a new universe.
Sounds crazy right? Well,it is. We all believe that the universe, one day will be destroyed. So,what im trying to say is, they want to survive.The intelligence life forms, us that is.
Let me make it brief. First,we don't know how the universe will ends up.How the universe will die. Like that has being said before, the universe is expanding, and the dark energy is the energy that makes the universe expands. To be honest, what dark energy truly is, is still unknown. Unless we know for sure what dark energy is,then fate of our universe, or shall we say,how or when the universe will die, is unknown.
When we know for sure what dark energy is, and we perhaps able to create new universe, then, when our universe is about to know, we will create other universe, and escape to that new universe,to start all over again. This is an alternative. Another is, if travelling between universe is possible,physically,then when the needs arrises, we will all leave our dying universe and go to the already exists universe somewhere out there, to start all over again.
Perhaps,next time, we will talk about the types of civilisation that might exists out there,if there are other intelligent life forms out there somewhere in our universe, or in the other universe.
Then, putting aside the talks about civiliastion, a question will surely arises in your mind.That is, if we don't know what dark energy is,then how do we know they exists? The answer lies in something called gravity. How? These dark matter and anti matter have gravitational influence even though we still can't see them or figure out what they truly are.But we know that they do exists. Gravitational influence? How to understand it? That also,we'll talk that, later. Too many later,huh? That's how it is. Explaining things bits by bits, seems more comfortable to me, to make you understand and grasp it, i think.
Then,lets move on to dark matter and anti matter. Dark matter and anti matter is two different things. They are not the same. For example, every elementary particle have their partner. The partner for matter is anti matter.
For electron, its partner is anti-electron.They have the same masses,but opposite electrical charges. If matter meets anti matter, they destroy each other.That is what happens when the partner meets each other. The terms that is used is annihilation. When they meets, and destroy each other, or what truly happens is, the equivalent of their masses are released in the form of pure energy.
Yes. It's that Einstein equation.
From this, i hope you will get the gist of it that is anti matter and dark matter are two different things. Where is anti matter in our universe? Where is dark matter in our universe? As i say, the answer probably lies in later articles. :p
Because the past article is a bit long,this time i'll make it a bit short, and end it now.Prepare yourself, and have fun reading.
Written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Sci-Fi Department,
Class of X.
7 April 2015.