Let's talk a bit about dark energy. Haven't heard before? Well, you're going to hear it now. Let's go back to talk about balloon. When we blew a balloon,the balloon expands. In this case, we use air, to push the balloon to expands.
Then,let's go to our universe. Our universe expands.And what makes it expands?What 'blew' our universe aparts,or pushing it away,making it expands,as we speak?
The answer is, the Dark Energy. Dark energy acts like an air we blew into balloon making it expands.Between two object in outer space, what is there in between? The answer is nothing. And this nothing is called dark energy. Dark energy is the energy of nothing.
The answer is, the Dark Energy. Dark energy acts like an air we blew into balloon making it expands.Between two object in outer space, what is there in between? The answer is nothing. And this nothing is called dark energy. Dark energy is the energy of nothing.
Borrowing many words and explanation from an expert, lets talk about balloon again. If our universe is like or similar to a balloon, and it expands.Then, what is it expands into? It expands into Hyperspace.
What is hyperspace? A dimension beyond what we can see and touch.
Well, if youre into it, remember this phrase said by a famous physicist, "THE UNIVERSE IS A COSMIC MUSIC, RESONATING THROUGHOUT ELEVEN DIMENTIONAL HYPERSPACE".
Don't get it? Let's go into it gradually.Till next time!
Written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Sci-Fi Physics Department.
1 April 2015.
Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Sci-Fi Physics Department.
1 April 2015.