Trust in God(Allah s.w.t) : A correct understanding.

by June 25, 2014 0 comments

As muslim,we say there is no God but Allah s.w.t.When we say God,automatically it refers to Allah s.w.t.

Some don't really make an effort to achieve what he/she wants,then he says,i put my trust in God.

Some just pray and pray and pray,without making any effort that will directs him in the right track to get what he/she wants,and say i put my trust in god.

It's like i want to eat,the food is on the table.That person does not make any proper effort to eat that food,and say "i put my trust in God,and He will help me when i'm hungry."..A healthy mind will recognize that this is unacceptable.

We can always pray ,and at the same time,make the sincere effort to get what we want.

There is a story when Prophet Muhammad s.a.w ,asked a person that left his camel untied.That person answered,"i put my trust in God".The Prophet reply and said,'tied up your camel first and put your trust in God'.

If we make a sincere effort again and again,and we still does not get it,perhaps it is not meant for us.Words of wisdom that Malay said,"rezeki secupak,takkan jadi segantang".

However,we don't know how much our 'rezeki' is.We should do our best,and pray to Allah s.w.t,to ease our way.And if there are things there are not meant for us,pray to Him so that Allah s.w.t gives hints to us,and show us a better way or things that are good for us.Allah Knows Best!

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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