by April 17, 2017 0 comments
Students in universities must remember that the true aim of entering universities is seeking knowledge. Perhaps we should be precise by saying,seek true knowledge.

In universities there are people of knowledge, the learned. Seek them and learn from them. Listen to their advice,read their books.Think and contemplate.Attentively listen to their lectures, discuss with your fellow seeker of knowledge. This is your trust(amanah) as a student. Fulfill it. Don't waste time by joining politics. We as students have a higher priorities than involving ourselves in politics.

The challenge of this age is the challenge of knowledge.Before taking up the challenge,we must,first seek true knowledge as the preparation.It is a slow process and time consuming,therefore a seeker of knowledge must be patient.Haste make waste.

Equip ourselves to the best of our capabilities.To truly change the world,you must first,change yourself.To bring justice to the world,first you must bring justice to yourself.You yourself must be in a condition of justice first.To do that,you must know what is justice and who you really are.

And to make the world a better place, to make a world where people can be happy,first you must be a happy person yourself and truly know what happiness truly is.

And to know these things,you must seek knowledge.

If we truly think about this,we will realize that we have no time to involve ourselves in politics.Stay away from politics, and do your best in seeking knowledge.



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