Power is a divine attribute, then, people that are bestowed with power, have the responsibility to use the power in the right way.
It is not a simple matter, aside from amanah, power is a responbility, and a burden. And each of us, already have our own responsilibity to fulfill as our own self. Even our self is an amanah.
God does not burden us with what we cannot bear, than we, must know ourself truly, in order not to take amanah that we cannot bear.
Knowing our own self is a very important matter. It is not a small matter. And many do not know our own self. At least, if we truly think about this thing, thinking about our own self,why we are created, and where we are heading to, and what we should really do, then the way we act in this world will also changes.
It is more important to spend time on correcting ourself. And this is not an easy task. We should always be conscious and aware of Allah. Always in a state of remembrance of him.
Some seek power so that with that power, they may change the world,for the better.So that things can be put in the proper places. In other words, justice.
With power,people can uphold justice.That what people think. Then, we may ask, what is justice truly is? Is it up to the human mind? From what i fully believe, only mind, properly guided by Him, can truly understand this. That mind, is a mind that truly understand revelation. They are the rightly guided.The ulama, the scholars of islam. They are the true heir of the prophets.
In this age, many claim to be ulama, but many are not. It is very importtant to recognize the true scholars of islam, and follow them. Learn from them. Take heed of their advice and warnings.
Just becaue there are many opinions, that does not mean that there are not true answer.Just because many people say the same thing, it does not prove that they are right.
There are too many things to be done,but in our short life, that are little that we can do. Therefore, it is important to know the priorities.
And that is, to know yourself. En.Roslan once says in one of his lectures, it is an irony that humans today,with the great achievement in science and technology, seems to know many things about the world, but they know nothing about their own selves,about their final destiny, and why they are created.