by April 14, 2017 0 comments
Is this where our future going? When artificial intelligence become like human? Like a foreshadow by manga Zettai Kareshi, anime Hatsumei Boy Kanipan, Sora no Otoshimono for example.And a lot of anime series has been showed, which involving conflict of love relationships between human and artificial intelligence. 

Well,they are the east,that are more west than the west! Anime have been a part of a lot of teens,and among adults. It's only a matter of time when this alien value will be accepted. Any weird culture will be introduced,popularized and will be injected into our mind for it to be acceptable, through medium of manga and anime. 

Even anime that teens are watching have categories such as Yaoi and Yuri, harem,reverse harem. As if it is something normal when we are watching these kind of genre as if it is something nice. 

If the story is nice as long as its an anime or manga, If we are happy reading/watching it, and we don't think something is wrong with our mind when enjoying it,then something is truly wrong with our way of thinking! 

Our view on value truly has been corrupted if it's like that. Wake up! Remember what is our source of value!



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