1.What is postmodernism?
Answer : Its a reaction against modernism.
2.What is modernism then?
Answer : Modernism was optimistic,in terms of human potential,had a certain certainty about objective knowledge. The modern mindset was that we could stand in a neutral position observing reality.We can have some sort of god sight view on reality.Modernism has a consciousness of unity of all knowledge,the faith,the power of reason to come to the truth.
3.So, what happens in postmodernism?
Answer : That confidence(as in answer to question 2), has disappeared. So, postmodernism perspective is introduced ,which was more pessimistic. Its lost much of its confidence in its inevitability of progress, it lost its sense of certainty about human knowledge.It becomes more cynical about human experience of the world.Even the goodness of knowledge itself it seems
4.What about scientific knowledge.
Answer : Its taking all sorts of destructive direction.
5.What about the status of modern mindset that is, you say "we could stand in a neutral position observing reality",happens in era of postmodernism?
Answer : Abandonment of neutrality.No one is in neutral position.No one has god sight view of reality.There are multiplicity of perspective.There no unify perspective on truth anymore.
6.What about truth in postmodernism?
Answer : It must be deconstructed.
7.What is the addition on postmodern perspective?
Answer : In postmodern perspective, we are shaped and determined by our community in which we live. Human autonomy in a world without god. In a literal sense, the author of the text is no longer significant. All that mattters(to postmodernism), is 'my reading of the text and my perception of the text'.The author of reality itself, God, is no longer significant.They say, "we must create our own meaning,our own reality,our own purpose for life".In postmodernism, truth is simply what works for you,what you can get others to believe.Create you own truth,create your own meaning.In conclusion, thats the postmodernism mindset.