1.Who pose the greatest challenge today?
Answer : Western Civilization.
2.What does it mean by Western Civilization?
Answer : The civilization that has evolved out of the historical fusion of cultures,philosophies,values and aspirations, of ancient Greece and Rome ; their amalgamation with Judaism and Christianity,and their further development and formation by the Latin, Germany, Celtic and Nordic peoples.
3.What do they get from ancient Greece?
Answer : The philosophical and epistemological elements and foundations of education and of ethics and aesthetics.
4,What do they get from Rome?
Answer : The elements of law and statecraft and government.
5.What do they get from Judaism and Christianity?
Answer : The elements of religious faith.
6.What do they get from Latin,Germanic,Celtic and Nordic?
Answer : Their independant and national spirit and traditional values, and the development and advancement of the natural and physical sciences and technology which they, together with the Slavic people, have pushed to such pinnacle of power.
7.What is the greatest challenge then?
Answer : The challenge of knowledge.
8.Based on question 7, does it mean against ignorance?
Answer : Not as against ignorance; but knowledge as conceived and disseminated throughout the world by Western Civilisation; knowledge whose nature has become problematic becauce it has lost its true purpose due to being unjustly conceived.
9.What does this 'knowledge' that is being mentioned as problematic in question 7 affect us?
Answer : It brought chaos to the 3 Kingdoms of Nature that is The Animal, Vegetal and Mineral.
10.Is knowledge neutral?
Answer : Knowledge is not neutral.
11.Why is knowledge not neutral?
Answer : It can be infused with a nature and content which masquerades as knowledge.
12.Then, can this 'knowledge' that is considered as problematic, be considered as knowledge?
Answer : Taken as a whole, it is not true knowledge.
13.Do Islam made significant contribution to the Western Civilisation and if Yes,what is it?
Answer. Yes. In the sphere of knowledge and in the inculcation of the rational and scientific spirit.
14.Then, do this knowledge of rational and scientific spirit that they get from Islam, remain?
Answer : It have been recast and remoulded to fit the crucible of Western culture.
14.Why so? (from question 14)
Answer : So that they become fused and amalgamated with all the other elements that form the character and personality of Western civilisation.