As a muslim, we have our own view, that is the view concerning truth and false, by referring to the two highest sources that is the Quran, which is the word of Allah s.w.t, and the sunnah of our beloved prophet, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
We heard few noises saying about arabisation that happens in our country. This noises come from the muslims which are themselves, the very product of westernisation. I wonder what kind of words that will come out from their mouth concerning westernisation that are happening in our country as we speak?
They see and judge based on the outer appearance. And by seeing this outer appearance and trends among people of our country which right nows tends to follow the arabs in terms of fashion, foods and songs. And they even mention about the exclusive use of the word of Allah by muslims.(which i already explained in the previous article entitled The Rights).
And to summarize, they see it as an extremism. What kind of extreme do they mean? Is it the extreme in following the arabs? Or extremity in following or adapting religious theme into their way of life?
Personally, as a muslim, i believe that we are open in accepting any fashion,foods,culture or language. Fashion that are not indecent, and men and womens are properly covering their body parts(aurat). We can accept many things,even from the west, such as the sciences,technologies and culture. Of course, we must check, if it is beneficial or bring harm to our society, and to the muslims(their mind in particular). The parts about the west that we need to be careful is their worldview. This, we need to reject. To mention few is their concept of rights,freedom,religion,justice,human,life,happiness which they view in the western secular sense. The humanism idea, and also the view of living in this world,for this world.
We,the muslims,living in this for the next world,without any attitude of neglecting this world, as this world is the signs from Allah s.w.t which we should contemplate deeply and critically as it acts as a signs that point towards its Creator.
By fighting extreme,they mean that they want things to be 'not extreme', or things to be in proper place. And a condition of things in proper place is called justice. And by having inadequate knowledge, they are seeing others as extremes,and while we,seeing from our view, we see them as the extremists. The problems are in their mind. How they view moderate, rights and justice.
Without proper understanding of the key words properly based and the worldview of islam, what they creates when fighting extremism, is creating more extremists in thought and creating more and more confusion as others thinks that they are right, which is in fact, they are wrong in their understanding.
As a cure to our mind from error in our knowledge, i suggest that all of us should read a magnum opus written by emminent Tan Sri Prof.Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas entitled, Prolegomena to Metaphysics of Islam. May Allah s.w.t guide us in our humble path of seeking knowledge, so we may know and be able to discern between truth and false, as in this acts of seeking knowledge, we can see that appearance reality sometimes are opposite to each other. Without authentic knowledge, we may be easily be misguided or misunderstand many things. May Allah forgive us and guide us. Amin!
Mohd Arif Syafiq
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