If You Need It, Find It.
When we see car, we know someone made it. And we think, who made us? And we will think that we come from our parents. That's true. When we think a bit deeper, we will realize that our parents, come from their parents and so on. Then, the original parent, the first parent, where do they came from? They are created by Allah s.w.t. The One and Only God.
Simply put, we are created. And everything that belong to us, does not really belong to us. Our physical body, our soul, our mind, our intellectual capacity, they all are a gift from God. With this gift, still, many still seeking the truth. Because we want the truth. We need it. Nobody love to live life full of lies.
To know the truth, what do we need? Knowledge.
Where do knowledge comes from? From God. From Allah s.w.t. It is also one of His names, and His attributes. That shows clearly that we need Him.
What should we do? Let's seek knowledge. We know that, there are many things that we don't know, and of course, it is impossible to know everything. Then, we must do our best, to know, what is necessary for us to know, so that we may be able to fulfill the duties in our life, given by God to us.
If we need something, we go and find it. Right? You are hungry, you go and find food, not waiting for the food to find you.
If we know that we are an ignorance kind of person, then we should know that being an ignorance is a disgrace. Steps that are need to be taken is, go and find the person that know, what we want to know.
And talking about what we want to know, there are order in knowing things. Some things may take a lot of time for us to understand, as we need deep and adequate knowledge for us to be able to understand something precisely.
We understand things in the form of language.
So, about language, you must use the right words for the right meanings.
When you want to know about something, that something, you must have a clear definition about that something first. Then you will be able to proceed. We must begin from "What?" first.
This i believe will give a nice preview about the proper order of things, in our mind.
We need to put everything in the proper places in our mind. I remember Prof.Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas said it.
When everything is in the proper places, and in the right order and hierarchy in our mind, then our mind will be in a condition called justice.
This is also what we call, be just to ourselves.
May Allah ease our humble path in seeking knowledge, and pray that we will be closer to Him, and eventually by His bless, we will be happy in this life, and in the next eternal life. Amiin.
Mohd Arif Syafiq
DeveloperCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.