Words of God

by March 23, 2015 0 comments
The holy book, have two types of verses. One is muhkamat.The other is mustasyabihat. There are verses that are subjected to interpretation. Who is Ibn Abbas? You will need to know who is this person and his ability bestowed by Allah s.w.t. to him. There is exegesis, involving is tafsir and ta'wil.

There are mufassirun. The scholar that are specialized in the tafsir of the verses of the Quran. That is why it is very important to know what is knowledge. And by knowing about knowledge, we will know that we are not equal. Who says we are equal? Of course as flesh and blood, we are equal. But our taqwa and our knowledge differs us.

For simple example, if you are sick, where will you go? if you want to know more about your car, where will you go to know to get information? The same applies to Quran. You must go to those who know. By finding certain people for this and certain people for that, then that shows already that you are recognizing about the importance of finding the right person for the right job. Regarding religion, you must do the same.

Our religion,that is islam is firmly grounded on knowledge, and when we speak about knowledge, it involves the process of learning. You must learn.

Some may argue and say, we are equal, and why the same equal being is coming between You, which referring to God, and me?(which is referring to that person).

Some say that they are confused, because they say that some same and equal being as that person is trying and claiming to enforce the law of God? And by saying this,then this person is claiming that no one should come in between that person and God.

Lets first start by asking, what is your concept of God? And also by claiming that you have your religion and practising your religion, lets ask again, what is the origin of your religion? Who spread this religion that you practise? For us, the muslims, it is our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w . Our prophet spread this religion, as person chosen by Allah, the Lord of all worlds.

During prophet Muhammad s.a.w time, di he enforce the laws of God in Madinah?

He did. Then, can you say that the prophet is coming in between God and the muslims. Of course not.

The religion of islam is not just about love. If you claim you love Him and thats it ? No, its not like that. The action must follows. If you claim you love Allah s.w.t, then you must worship Him the way He wants you to worship Him. Then how do you know about the way? Through our prophet Muhammad s.a.w of course.

Some people wants to love God the way they wants to love Him. This is where things goes wrong.

What is islam? Islam means submission. Submits to Allah s.w.t. Submits to Allah means submits to the words of Allah. Where is the words of Allah? The Quran. When you become muslims, you must accept every verse in the Quran as the truth. You must accept, whether you understand it or not, whether you feel comfortable with or not, you must accept. Understanding can comes later.

That is how you must act with the word of Allah.

And when you do this, this is where knowledge comes in. Allah s.w.t challenges us to find fault in the Quran if we can. And of course we can never find fault in the Quran. You must seek knowledge to understand our religion properly. Seek it from those who know and understand.
It is Allah who describes Himself in His words. And by studying His words, we will find many things that will brings us close to Him. And scholars of islam study His words and write many books to explains to us so that we will be able to understand Islam the way it should be understood.

As the finishing touch, we must love God, the way He wants us to love Him, not the way we want to love Him.

When submits, submits properly. As islam is a religion of knowledge, go and study the works of scholars that studies critically the words of Allah. Don't be an ignorance,cure it with knowledge.

written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Fellow Researcher,
Strategic Department,
School of Mass.

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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