Understanding of Religion Part.1

by March 22, 2015 0 comments
One of the state in our country is trying to implement the law of islam. Whether it will succeed or not, it is a good trigger. The feedback given by the citizens, whether support or oppose it, people eventually will look and focus more on this law and of course, the history of the implementation of such law in the past in our land.
Raja Ali Haji. It is important to look into his book, Thammarat Mahammah.
What is the impression of the world about this? Will others see it as an effort made to resurrect the islamic state? How the responds given will depend on how people understand islamic state.
Today, islamic state is more popular brand for the terrorists, that is a very extreme movement. Well, will some outsider interfere in the name of national security?
Or can we say, national security is just an excuse used to intervene? What do they get by intervening? Selat Melaka?
Thinking back, do we have all the qualified people to execute the law?
People will talk and comments and give all kind of feedback. And the main topic is, of course about justice.
Is it just? If that person get that punishment and that person get another for the same crime. This is not equal says them, therefore it is injustice.
Is equality is justice? We must know that in islam, justice does not have the same meaning as equality, because in short, justice means the condition of things in proper places. You cannot put all things in the same place. If i may borrow a phrase from an ulama, he says,"how can the act of bringing things of higher worth to lower worth can be called justice?"
The notion of justice. This, we need to have correct understanding about justice. The concept of justice is misunderstood by many.

We need to know what justice is. And i believe, the concept of justice can be understand by looking into the great works of Tan Sri Prof.Dr. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas.

Written By :

Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Fellow Researcher,
Strategic Department,
School of Mass.

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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