An official statement by our founder-director, Ahmad Afif bin Ahmad Mokhtari Yasim states that, the very name 'School of Mass' (Sekolah Massa) shall not belong to us anymore.
Any event, article, programme starting from 26 March 2015 does not reflect our view and standing upon any event, be it political, economical, social and religious views.
The name Project X will be used temporarily to reflect about thought and discussion upon things until further notice is given by our Director, Ahmad Afif bin Ahmad Mokhtari Yasim.
May Allah s.w.t bless us and ease us in our path, for seeking knowledge.
written by :
Mohd Arif Syafiq,
Research Fellow,
Strategic Department,
Project X(temporary name).
30 March 2015.
Research Fellow,
Strategic Department,
Project X(temporary name).
30 March 2015.