
by July 09, 2014 0 comments

                          Arrogance.This is an attitude that presents in ourselves.Not all,some.To cure this,is through knowledge.The person needs to know himself.

Why am i so arrogant?

When we truly know and understand that,everything that belong to us,is something given by someone,and that someone can take it back from us anytime,we will not be arrogant anymore.Instead,we are thankful to Him,Allah s.w.t,for giving us all these abilities,or some other good things,such as having good physical looks.

Be thankful.Always.

An arrogance person,is a person that have some problems with his knowledge.His knowledge seems does not directs that person,to become a better person.A good person,is a person that strives to increase his love for God,by knowing Him more,obeying His command,and stay away from things that He prohibited.An arrogance person is not a good person.

And that is why when we pray,we pray to Allah s.w.t,to grant us with knowledge that benefits.

What use is so and so knowledge if it does not benefits?This sometimes can vary from people to people.

Learn to be humble.Be kind.Be Merciful.Learn to forgive.

Disobeying God is also a form of arrogance.May Allah guide us!

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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