The Proper Understanding of Choices and Freedom

by July 31, 2014 0 comments

In living our life,we made many choices.And to not choose is also a choice.Some may say it is my choice,it is my freedom.Do they understand what it means?

As  humans, we have the freedom of choice.And we born to this world with the certain task.This task is to live the life we were given,according to what our Creator wants.

We want good things to happen to us,that is why we choose good things.Making the right choice is a good thing.

And we must choose good things.We cannot choose bad things.We were given freedom,so that we will use that freedom wisely.

Why we must choose to live according what Allah wants?Because we need are indebted to Him.He created us.He make us exist.And we are indebted to it.

Freedom means the ability given to us,to do what is right.When we don't know what to do,asks from Him guidance,so that what we choose is the best choice there is available to us.

Always depends on Allah.

It doesn't means just depends without doing anything.It means do our best,and depends on Him so that what we are doing is good for us.And when our plan does not go according to what we wants,we must check.And revise our plan.We must never forget that Allah is the best planner.

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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