Part Time

by May 29, 2014 0 comments

We don't practise our religion as a hobby.It is something to be taken seriously.Our future in this life,and in the afterlife,depends on how we practise our religion.

Did we understand our religion as we should understand, as a muslim?

If not,spend some of our time to learn Fardhu Ain.The higher our education is,the deeper we should understand our religion.

Islam is always practical.

Our life is short.It can ends anytime.And our time in this world are running out as we speak.Choose how to spend our time wisely.

Of course,there are time for this,and there are time for that.

Improve ourselves gradually,and little by little.It is okay.As long as we make sure that it is something continuously.Continue striving to be a good person.

Read al-Quran from cover,to cover.When finished reading,start again.This should be done,continusously until the day we die.

Allah s.w.t knows us more than we know ourselves.So,make a sincere effort to become a good muslim.And pray to Allah to make things easy for us and protect us from being led astray.

Never be a part time muslim.Be a fulltime muslim.Be a person that know islam,and live islam.

Mohd Arif Syafiq


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